Online-mode=true Buy the game.
If he ran the server in online-mode= true and used anti grief plugins, and still managed to get protected areas griefed, he needs to work out his... It crashes, got it. Have no information to help by....
Port forwarding will only help of you can figure it how to connect locally And then want to share publicly. And honestly, if you can't google...
Go to the new directory you have the files, try chmod ug+rw ibdata1 and any subsequent ibdata files and ib_logfiles in there
Use a decent Linux system, run a ramdisk with that kind of ram, and all should be well. You could put arch Linux on there in under 10m with the...
Send a message to glguy on, he made the pdxtrackrouter plugin. Might be an idea he'd be interested in adding. And then you might get more responses
Honestly, probably not. Post what else you need help with... Reality being, if you followed the guides, you should have a functioning server. What...
You have an error in the groups.yml file. Run it through an online yaml parser and fix the problem in that config and it should be fixed
Likely a plugin. What about the console log from before the errors appear (start until they appear). Should say which plugin it is if anything
Separate names with a comma.