My Server is a dedicated machine with 24GB RAM and a i7 920. You cant tell me that this Server isnt enough for Minecraft. lol Its a bug in the...
www-data cannot exec sudo in the default config. Another possibility is to connect over ssh on the server. You only need the libssh2 package... You're not the only one ;) Have the same Problems on my i7 920, 24GB...
Same problem, but my Server is accessable. The process eat 36% of my CPU, Its a Core i7 @ 2,66Ghz (ESXI, 1 vCpu) All Plugins are up2date....
General System information What operating system are you running the server on? Windows 7 Ultimate Is it a 64 bit or 32 bit version of the OS?...
Still work with #818.
Yes, it does. Deinstall Craftbook/CommandBook, or use Permissions for fix.
Hey! i have a strange Problem. My Bukkit #617 gets me crazy. Everything worked fine yesterday, but now.. When a nonOP (I use the Bukkit isOP()...
Haut so hin, bis auf ein paar Fehler, aber die sind verschmerzbar. Thanks! ;)
hey, is there a way to restore the Map with LogBlock? I had my Map on a RAMDisk, and the Disk is crashed today and i only had a 2 weeks old...
Ok, here the structure in PHPmyadmin: [ATTACH] But Ingame the Chestaccess is logging? [ATTACH]
Every time somone look in a chest, i got this error: 2011-03-27 12:30:30 [SEVERE] [LogBlock] SQL exception...
Hi, great Plugin, it work wonderful on my Server! I played some with PHP... did you know manu-admin-mod for Call of Duty servers? The mod had a...
Separate names with a comma.