you would need to create a custom witch :) you can find a tutorial on creating custom mobs in the resource sub-section
you need to add an instance of your main class to your command class. (a constructor in your commands class) public Commands(Plugin plugin) {...
it's showing up null because of the null check you added. #getKiller will return null unless you use it on an event (player death event). you need...
update the door.
try a different effect and tell me what happens
can i see your new code
play it at the location player.getEyeLocation(); i think that's the method
you could listen for PlayerTeleportEvent since the only way to switch worlds is to teleport
did you register your events? ninja'd....
your constructor in your wandlistener class is completely messed up, you should try something like this private StaffMenu menu; private Plugin...
deprecated methods are the way to go :) ItemStack blackwool = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL, 1, DyeColor.BLACK.getData());
you must check if the CommandSender is a player before you cast it as one. CommandSenders can either by a player or the console so before you...
change the p in your loop to player, your variables are named the same also, you need to check if the command sender is a player before you cast...
loop through all the players on the server, and if the player doesn't have your admin permission, hide your target player from them like this...
im guessing you want to store the owned kits in a config?
Separate names with a comma.