Submited a ticket. The issue has been resolved. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello. Several years have past and i decided to update my plugin But i suddenly lost access to my...
Hey, i thought it would be nice if guardians and elder guardians could spawn in oceans. Check if the amount of water is enough, maybe replace...
TopGear93, do you support SOPA?
Did you just copied it from ? I think, you need to put a link to the original.
Oh, thank you! Still, "watched threads" are much better.
Also, "advanced search" would be good.
I do have a suggestion. Bukkit forums have one very handy feature: watched threads. Bukkit Dev does not. It makes me check all the pages for...
Could someone do a report? I just don't want to pass another registration.
Nether wart drops itselŠ°f in the dark. Can anyone confirm?
New versions of this plugin are here: There is a test version for 1.0, look in comments.
Pushing does not work anymore with dev builds: 2011-12-08 06:23:51 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND to PistonChest...
Could you make some way of obtaining different types of spawners without "/creaturebot set" command? For example, random type of spawners in...
Are you planning to replace the ItemCraft?
Separate names with a comma.