With the news of Microsoft buying Mojang I have decided that this will be the final blow to Bukkit. I see no reason to continue to try to raise...
Just to let everyone know, I'm still planning on shutting down my servers tomorrow for a week. I have emailed Mojang about their status with...
SGrayMe I agree with you, which is why I've changed up my idea. I'm doing a temporary 1 week server shut down to raise awareness for Bukkit...
I disagree with you slightly Mike1022 If we can get enough server owners and players involved at...
kizepy17 If you like bukkit please help me help bukkit get some more attention from mojang:...
I have re evaluated my original decision to shut down my servers. I can not abandon my community just to prove a point. I do, however, plan to...
Before I continue any further I would like to summarize my current opinion of what has been happening between Mojang and Bukkit. First of all I...
I have been running several minecraft servers for 3 years. I have over 6000 player joins on my servers over this period of time. I have an average...
Can someone please link me to the correct location to file a report on a plugin and its developers for potentially suspicious activity?
At my spawn area on my server I have terrible fps. My fps is normally in the teens and single digits in this area only, as soon as I get about 50...
Is there someplace that they post upcoming features and things currently in the works? I saw something about a "feature friday" a while back. It...
I'm thinking about making some server tshirts and possibly other items that need to be shipped to players. Can buy craft be used to collect the...
Its essentials because regardless of when buycraft runs the expiry commands, or even runs them or not period. I feel I should be able to disable...
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