Would be a bonus to show the descriptions previous to going up to the transaction stage. Like when browsing the Web Store or looking in game so...
Out of curiosity where does the Description get displayed? I don't see it in game or in the Webstore. I made details as to whats in packages but...
I am using the latest hawkeye and I am trying to rollback some chest transactions. I have done it with just: /hawk rollback p:<name> and also...
isonfire worked perfectly! lol thanks for the help! we seem to be perfectly out of sync haha. Follow up question. Is there a way to detect when...
I had that thought too.... However here is my working example: - 'if target.type.human': - "message.target.FIRE HOT" Here is my...
I am using the 9.7 build and I can't get any status checks to work. Things like sneaking, onfire, drowning any of that. Did it change? I am using...
Can you make a scroll that will teach a player a / multiple spells like a player class?
I am having an issue with unbanning people. I have people banned from a long time ago, and since then I have cleared out the user files, changed...
I have been having issues with people deciding to join my server with a hacked client. They issue some command called -ragequit- and it just spams...
@matejdro Yes its in my 2nd world. Which in my server is the primary. Does the jail have to be in the primary?
I am trying to setup my perms so Mods can see poof'd mods, but can't see poof'd admins. But admins can see the poof'd mods and other poof'd...
I do indeed use MultiVerse
Still using it with 1000 and I have been getting this message for the longest time and its really annoy. It works fine when I setup the jails....
Does PermissonsBukkit work with multiworld? I don't see a way to have different configs for different worlds
Thank you. That did the trick. I never touched the config and started working by just creating it. Didn't know I had to go and change it
Separate names with a comma.