I know the whole point of a hash map is for it not be saved, but is there a way to save a hash map to a file/config? If so anybody know how to?
I am about to finish my plugin and release it but i feel like it needs 1 more thing, lighting. So i want to know what do i need to do to spawn it...
Windy Day I don't mean to be rude, and i am not trying to offend or correct you in a mean way but i thought you should know when you use this...
Windy Day This code has an error on the blue so ik i am doing it wrong because this is new to me but what would i do to fix it? @EventHandler...
Windy Day But if i use p.getInventory().setItem(slot, item) is there a way to make it so it just does it in the closet avilable spot?
Windy Day It isn't working this is my code :( if(blockBroke >= 3){ blockBroke = 0; if (!pi.contains(Material.AIR)); {...
GaaTavares @EventHandler public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); Block b = e.getBlock();; PlayerInventory pi =...
So i just learned inventories and i am using it in my plugin, and i wrote a simple code that is going to be in it but i have a bug. Basically i...
nuclearmissile Sorry for not respond sooner All the cows that were previously spawned: for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i ++) {...
Windy Day @EventHandler public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); Block b = e.getBlock(); World world =...
nuclearmissile The "cows" are the mob being spawned
Windy Day Yes, like the script
Windy Day ik the function of the array list but is the coding element in a similar style as the Hashamps?
nuclearmissile Thanks but do u know any way that I can make it so after BlockBreackEvent when i kill all the cows I activate something using...
So I have a event and when it happens it spawns mobs. And i need it when they die for something to happen, but I don't know how to make the event...
Separate names with a comma.