I think it possible, but you would need to factor in where it is coming from, who it is aiming at and what happens if more than 1 person is in the...
Bump, I like this idea
Nerdfuryz this is one very interesting plugin. I haven't even written any coding for about 3 months so i will catch up on anything new and try to...
Mind if I contact ya?
We want to be able to state where each portals destination is. I want to be able to put on a sign that: Portal A goes to: 100x 100z Portal B...
Plugin category- Teleportation Suggested name- Portal Positions What I would like- I would like a basic plugin that allows you to set the...
Not dead if he is willing to give it a shot.
Most of this is possible.
Cheers, this looks great!
I have been following this plugin idea forever it seems. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fake-wall.121438/page-2
Not really interested in the plugin, but the reason why is more important! If this could be hooked into combat tag though = winning idea. That...
When do you need this?(can't remember if it's at the top or not, and cba to scroll - on phone). If its not urgent I will seriously look into...
Tommy: not relevant, as elsewhere. To the plugin: presuming you are able to get the front itself as an object, then I think this is entirely...
Separate names with a comma.