Any one :)
You could use a rankup plugin with playertime mabey? So when they played like 2 days ore something they rank up to a group that can acces it?...
Wow thx! Does that prevent admins from running cmds too :)? Is there a plugin that prevent you from chatting in cubiods? Cant find the flag in...
I wounder if there is a plugins that disables all use of commands in an area selecet with the worldedit axe. So when you selected pos 1 and pos...
MultiVerse <3 Can we have an answe on when it will be there, ore if its even going to be :)
Well, i have MyPlot, i thoght u wanted to pay moogle for it. Its the money worth!
Add me: Counterfreak2635
Works fine on mine server :)
Does it work for 1.2.4? Does GroupManager?
Cool, thx, cause, ive made it rn every 10second, and its sarting to become prety annoyng! Again: AWSOME PLUGIN!
Sry my bad. Forgot to update ^^ How stupid can you be :D? Thx for awesome plugin! Could you mabey add so it only shows in console when the...
How do you run it via console? i tryed /lagg clear and lagg clear it just shows me how to do it ingame, cause i want to youse it witg...
Do you use net.minecraft.server stuff, or build for CraftBukkit 2012-03-05 18:40:14 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/MoogleHWID.jar' in folder...
U dont get my point, they create mabey 30 plots only, then it is minecraft generated worlds!
It only generate plots like a flatgrass, then it is normally generated world
Separate names with a comma.