Hopping to see text2pay support !!! :D will buy premium if you do !
I read on the iconomy forum post that there was a account.mini converter to bose in construction, could you post that when u finish?
Or try this plugin - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-deathfeed-v1-0-make-dying-a-little-more-fun-953.25184/
Can't wait for update ~Supported~
Iconomy of cource ;) and i would love to see this updated :D
I am unfamiliar sorry.
If i were you, i wouldn't use essentials, i would use commandbook, it is made by the same author as wordedit and wordguard, and has the same...
Bukkit isn't compatible with client mods except for spout, End of story. soz :)
Sure i'll help, PM me :)
There is a way with a plugin by regestering there email and password once they log in... I've seen it before but not sure what it is sorry :/
If u use woldedit (which most peaople do) you can select an area, use the command "//replace redstone air" this replaces all redsont with air. if...
There is no fix as of yet, this happens on all server. It really isnt a problem you need to worry about.
Separate names with a comma.