ChipDev I agree with Assist Also hasn't the whole "How to learn bukkit for noobs" topic been done over 9000 times? You have 5 plugins -_- how do...
shotgun528 Not quite sure what you are asking, hard to understand your english. However, if you're trying to ban a player when they exceed a...
You should probably better sort the first chunk of text because how it stands now it looks like a wall of text.
Dragon_12dk *Corporations :P
Infuzion You can with resource packs
ChipDev This is very inefficient you should probably be using packets
jebenii Try this: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
Firerydragon2442 Your putting a dollar sign on the 4th line, it just accepts the amount (Number Only) And TimWerf if you want to use item names...
ChipDev iPhone has autocorrect :P
ChipDev Resources*
EvilWitchdoctor No need for the == false its a Boolean so just add a !
RRServer Instead of surrounding your code in if statements the proper way to do it would be if (!p.hasPermission("")){...
RedstoneForDayz @EventHandler public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e){ List<String> players = new ArrayList<String>();...
Just to stop the chaos and confusion -_- <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> It uses signs instead of commands the perm to create said...
Separate names with a comma.