for the main config no it wouldnt replace it, you could still use the default saveconfig() etc. but this method was written dso that other .yml...
ou need to go back and have a look at it - in online mode you only have ligitamate players
The point is tell us the error when you ask for help.
ok whats the error? your car wont start?
shohouku why is everything final? also is the oncommand class in the same as on enable or in a seperate class file?
shohouku is your command in the plugin.yml?
Bammerbom ok but how would you know until the code is released? it can change any time so "preparing" is a waste of time (in my opinion)
minecraft isnt at 1.8 yet were on 1.7.10, therefore you must me using a modded client
You obviously dont program much, since the update formats have changed therefore the tutorial has been updated and the plugins are written in a...
That isnt a maven project, look at the tutorial and follow it. things have changed alot so you need to keep up with it. follow the tutorial and...
Thats what I thought, I just wanted to check. This is depreciated, so theres a better way of doing it EDIT by Moderator: merged posts,...
FisheyLP wow thats alot simpler, last time i worked on bukkit that wasnt there. ok another quick question when a plater goes to place/brak a block...
ok and this just changes it for the player?
Hi all, I am making a region plugin and I requite the corners to be marked by a block (can be defined in config but would be coloured wool)...
shadow5353 Plugin is null, you havent set it in the constructor
Separate names with a comma.