there is a new duplication glitch with a chest and an item. I need a plugin for a server where if someone is in a chest, it is not able to be...
Do you possibly have this started/finished? Can I see progress?
Don't use worldedit, for that you have to be standing on one spot. I will find the link for this simple and easy to use region regenerate. My...
Try out
So you will edit that, I just need to install lockette?
Plugin category: I do not know how to categorize it. Suggested name: Cell Buyer [For Prison Servers] A bit about me: I am making a new prison...
A plugin where people can buy a certain area within a sign would be nice. So say I put a sign the block above a iron door that says [Buy Me]...
Have you gotten the /rankup plugin yet? If not I can help! Add me on Skype if you have it ninjaman427. My friend BooMod coded the plugin for me...
Separate names with a comma.