@Gunnerrrr Out of interest what does PAR do?
But what happens if the region is the whole word: __global__ and i blocked command1 for that And I had a small region named House Can i use...
I was told the allow-cmd command2 means it blocks ALL commands and allows command2 only is that correct?
I'm using WorldGuard... I can block a specific command using through the whole world using: /region flag __global__ blocked-cmd command But...
garbagemule What type of block did you use for the Arena floor? I know its glowstone but glowstone and what? Sorry I can't seem to see what it is.
andrewpo I didn't know you could do that with WorldGaurd, can i set the region on rent? & you mean /wg claim right?
The idea is i will create plots in my cities and i need a plugin that will set that plot for sale. Then a player has to type a specific command...
Hi i've got some questions about this mod.. Can anyone help me out? 1) Can i set plots of lands for sale or rent with this mod? 2) Can I make a...
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