Woooh! really apreciate it guys! nice job :P
thanks for this awesome plugin :P
thanks a lot :P
is there a way to display a message to the player who pressed the sign but without the "[ServerSigns]", so we can make Books with stories or...
thank y very much man :D! very nice plugin u got there :B, diamonds for you!
ok, it works fine.. but when u have an enchanted item and delog and relog again, you lose the enchant :C! can you fix it? nice plugin :D
this is just perfect :D! very nice plugin
just amazing! thanks for make it so easy :D!
nice plugin! thx :B
amazing :D! can you add editable strings maybe? thx :D
my favorite protection plugin! just awesome :P! is my idea or "/lockette line text" in 1.0.0 is not working?
what a nice plugin u got there!! i just love it :D! thank u :3
very nice plugin!! can you add editable strings? keep it doing :D!
permission node dont work on PEX, any solution :C? btw, very nice plugin!!
thank u :D! very nice plugin! is there a string file that you can change some text/colors? can you add again an option to choose your team color...
Separate names with a comma.