@swagbobcow Why not just paste p.launchProjectile(Arrow.class).setCritical(true); 3 times then?????????
@EnchantedP You need an @EventHandler above the onDeath method, and you need to register your events in the onEnable method
Oh my bad, sorry haha. Yeah timtowers way should work fine -- PixeLInc --
@MrASTRO He means, upload your json files to the web-server and then read it from your plugin by grabbing the url...
Well, first off I have to recommend that you learn Java before attempting Bukkit, there are common mistakes here that are Java related and it...
Alright so it multiplies by 2.. that's even weirder.. -- PixeLInc --
Hm that is very odd... The only ways I could see this being possible is if you accidently call the function twice, 2 listeners or something with...
@MrGG4ming Is the same thing happening with the gang mysql?
Yeah you're correct, I'm pretty sure you just need min max, that's what I meant.. just worded it odd. -- PixeLInc --
I'm going to assume you're making a sort of regionish plugin? In that case to save it you'd need to figure out a way to do that.. like just save...
@WolfKingNick Why not just take the simple route? You can easily save your selection via Schematic which is already built into world edit....
@bys1 I'll try and look through the source and find it since I don't know all too much about how this works Edit: Try looking in...
@bys1 Since you must know, what you're looking for is EXACTLY what ProtocolLib is for. If you won't use it, then you can find the code inside of...
Why not just do Double.parseDouble? Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
@plisov I don't think there is really is going to be a super easy way to do this. I mean, if you think about it, it's not tooo hard. First you...
Separate names with a comma.