You can do this using permission nodes. Give your moderators and other staff a permission node such as '<pluginname>.staff' and when you loop...
The remove method on the HashMap object only takes one parameter, the object representing the key you wish to remove. So try removing the second...
If you move your classes to different packages you will need to update your imports if they are used in other classes. If you are using an IDE,...
Zachary_Peculier Can you post the entire class? There are a few variables which may have been declared before the snippet of code you posted, but...
JeykoExample Many permissions plugins allow per world permissions so you could just check the permission, and set the per world part in the...
Get all the player online using Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers(), then loop through the players and check if they have permission, if they do send them a...
You haven't studied the javadoc closely enough then, otherwise you would understand this clearly wouldn't work. player.sendMessage("Your looking...
You could use Bukkit.getPlayer(String name) or Bukkit.getPlayerExact(String name). getPlayerExact is case sensitive. Make sure you check it...
No. You need to get the WorldGuardPlugin object. Try something like this: private WorldGuardPlugin getWG() { Plugin plugin =...
1. Your plugin name must be alphanumeric. 2. Your pluin.yml should be in the root of your projects jar. 3. You have the wrong path to your main...
I understand that, I didn't expect this thread to help anyone new to making plugins. I posted the code example so hopefully the op can learn from it.
chris8787878787 this is a much more efficient version of your code and supports the command being run from the console. package... It is not necessary to register permissions in your plugin.yml, but it can be useful to keep track of the...
I assume this is your IDE that's giving you the red underline, which probably indicates an error in the code. When you hover over args with your...
You need to get the Worldguard region manager for the world your player is in. RegionManager rm =...
Separate names with a comma.