Hey guys, basically what I'm trying to do is add the NoAI tag on an EntitySpawn. I have no clue on how I would go about doing this and I would...
ArrayList, search on Google: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ArrayList First result: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html...
Can you hit export on your project, and then make a screenshot what is pre-selected?
Hahahaha, I love your reaction! "That sound important..." You are right, listening methods do not need event handlers in 1.2.5 EDIT by...
Export your plugin, and open it with Winrar or a similar program and check what folders you go through before you reach your class inside of it....
if (player.getItemInHand() == bow) { This 'if statement' will never pass because: Object 1 is the item in the players hand, Object 2 is a new...
For your information: private static final EntityDamageByEntityEvent e = null; Is being laughed at, because: If you put final in front of...
Try using: player.updateInventory(); whenever you are done changing the players inventory. If you do not update the players inventory, it will...
I don't know what the problem here is exactly, but first try following the Java syntax guidelines on packages. This syntax states that package...
Thanks alot for the links, the last one I already found myself, but the first one looks pretty useful!
-_________________________- Are you kidding me? I'm making a plugin with perlin noise using Bukkit API, now go play somewhere else stupid troll....
I want to create my own floating islands, (read the first post) That's why I need to know how perlin noise works. And also why I'm asking for a...
xTrollxDudex Thanks, but I have no idea on how to make this work inside of Minecraft world generation. That's the problem.
Hey everyone! Last days I've been working on creating 'small floating islands' in Minecraft, and I messed around with some random world...
I'm bored right now, contact me on skype: harmjan.versluis
Separate names with a comma.