Well, this is pretty self explanatory, I know how to detect if the last damager was a player, but now how do I get the name of the player? Welp,...
I'll make it simple. The player types '/save Store This', how do you store 'Store This' when they have a space in between?
I already did... public static Economy econ; But it didn't fix a thing and the error is still pointing at the same line. EDIT: I changed it to...
I followed this tutorial, and tried... EconomyResponse r = econ.depositPlayer((Player) e.getPlayer(), 2200.00); Yet it still did not work...
I did ignore the deprecation, but when I ran the server it kept pointing the error to that line, also I even tried converting to UUIDs as shown...
depositPlayer() is deprecated, I've been trying to find a solution or the replacement for it.
Thanks for helping but I found the solution... now the new problem is in this thread :/ .
So I've been developing a plugin related to Economy. I figured that depositPlayer() was deprecated, I tried switching to UUIDs, but it still...
EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) { if(!(e.getAction() ==...
Thanks for the help! It worked, but now I found a better way of doing it :P.
cfile = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); When putting in this line of code I get the error: "The constructor Seekable.File(File,...
I'm currently having problems with my cooldowns. What is happening is that I use the sugar and it says you cannot use it if I try using it again,...
I followed everything you said, my code is shown below... I'm still getting errors with Config. [SPOILER] [SPOILER]
I couldn't find the exact error, I could try again though. EDIT: Error over here. I tried removing 'extends JavaPlugin' before, but it gave me a...
I was including a listener in my main, and I ran my Test Server but it gave me errors on Test.java Line 17, and MOTD.java Line 14. Here are my...
Separate names with a comma.