I would also suggest LibsDisguises. Same thing, has a bit more disguise options. You need ProtocolLib for it to work however. Also- double check...
Make sure the permissions for both plugins, respectively, are 'worldedit.*' and 'modifyworld.*' Spawn protection in multiverse relies on the...
Well, you should be fine. If they are building outside the world limit you should be fine. Make sure you set up your permissions correctly.
a) never use tabs in ANY yml file. Just a fyi
Can you please post a screenshot of your other plugins? (/pl) or just list them out?
Hi! I've been learning more and more Java recently, and am still a beginner. In a lot of plugins I have seen "registerEvents(this,this)" and am...
@KingFaris11 Alright, makes sense. Thanks a million!
Hi there, I am VERY new to Bukkit development and was curious about the Cauldron Class. If I wanted to check if a cauldron was full, what would be...
So I think the issue may be a plugin and my top suspicion is mcMMO, however I can not find anything in any of the YML files. Any ideas of what...
NOTE: I am on Spigot 1.8 and have updated the worldguard plugin. Hey there! So, below is a video with a super quick and lax description of my...
CharliePlaysMC Yes, when I generated the world I use -g Plotme on the end with Multiverse. Again, all of the other PlotMe commands work in...
So, for starters, the error that I get when I try this is "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command". All of the other...
Hello! So, my current issue is that when a user types /p home (or /p home:#) they crash with an internal server error. This has happened with...
Eh, yea, but so many people have signatures >.> It's just something I do. Anyway, I'm done replying to whatever pointless arguement this is xD - Mark
Separate names with a comma.