Thanks you so much!
It pretty simple, but I cant figure it out. Code: public class BlockListener implements Listener { @EventHandler public void...
Much love <3 if (player.getServer().getPlayer(args[0]) != null) { } SOLUTION!
Here is the new link, it should work. But I dont think it is line 33..
Tried it, its something else.
2:00:42 [SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'heal' in plugin MistaNinja v1.0 at...
Thanks for clarifying that! I fixed it :) [ATTACH]
Got rid of the spaces and edited everything, and now I am coming up with an error. rror occurred while enabling MistaProfile v1.0 (Is it up to...
package me.mista.mistaprofile; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import...
Yeah, thanks bajsko. I'll take a look at it, recently I have just been learning of Vids.
I dont copy paste, but thanks. I try to go through the code and understand it. Self taught.. /profile returns with a series of messages.
What help? I just asked. And yes! Tried many times and failed as the plugin wouldn't run because of an error, I tried adding another public...
- Help command - Reload command - allowing /profile <player> to view offline players not just online I know its easy, but im new to java :)
Thanks! Any ideas on how I can implement the stuff I had trouble with?
Yeah, I did that for some of it, but the color codes is just easier for longer messages :) Each one will be connected to another plugin. For...
Separate names with a comma.