hey for some reason the download is not working can you send me the realfluids plugins or fix the download thanks ill love your plugin
As i said yesterday, i have a idea you might want to do to your plugin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAa1kchtvCQ the mod i used is client side, but it would be awesome if this idea could be incorporated into a bukit plugin
i played around with changing the height of the fluid, but i would need a client side mod that would allow for partial height blocks from disappearing when not connected to a full height block, and i am not writing a mod for the client
You said to yell if since you are busy, PLease finish the RealFluids mod, I have an idea for you that could make the fluids mod a lot cooler, i will make a video and post it in in a day or two
well funny story about this, i know plenty of devs here that would have called the current version a release but i am waiting fro a very polished version before i do that there should be a release version pretty soon (maybe a few more demo versions and a beta or 2)
well it was just something small to not allow fire on my server at all so I didn't have to install a plugin that had way more than this in terms of features
The way I understand it I need to install eclipe and some other thing, then download the bukkit JavaDOC, your JavaDOC then use the funtions that bukkit and teambase offer. Is that right?
you don't download the javadoc, you download the .jar files, then you use the functions word of caution, right now it seems like the class files from TeamBase are needed to be in the same jar that has your plugin in it until i figure out the classpaths
I'm more used to object-oriented, centralized, and "flashier" (pardon the pun) programing, thanks for the reply!
FYI the easiest method i found to use TeamBase for your plugin is to add the TeamBaseListener.java to your project since without the class file in the jar the plugin won't load if you don't know what i mean, try not putting it in there first and you will see what i mean
right now ClassicFluids, though i am working on a team based interserver plugin and a base framework to keep track of points (like from kills)