We have a server with 5 different worlds - the main one (with mines) has gone weird and sand (and gravel) has stopped falling properly. If I...
I couldn't get that to work, so remote it like this and now it works. RegionManager m = WGBukkit.getRegionManager(world);...
I ended up with this code below, but it doesn't find any entities!? What have I done wrong? RegionManager m =...
@sn1cko shame getEntities() doesn't work on a region! I think I can make it work though, so thank you :-)
This is (most of) the routine that does the setup / reset: private void ResetChallenge(World world, String regionName) {...
I am writing a plugin that spawns a number of creatures into a region when you enter (actually when you activate a pressure plate). What I want...
@mythbusterma Sorry, I thought I kind of mentioned what a "challenge" was ... basically, it is a mini-game. They will be little games / challenges...
@1Rogue your code looks very complicated! Lots of stuff in there that I don't know about yet! I think I am still struggling with the basic...
Sorry, what does that mean?
I am new to Java / Bukkit plugin coding ... and am currently writing code for multiple "things", on a not-yet-live server. Basically, the server...
Thanks @mine-care and @mythbusterma I have seen the page linked to above, but it is the bit about making it "per player" that I am unsure about....
I have tried reading posts on the forum and looked at numerous videos, but I just don't get it :-( I would like to start a timer when a player...
Because I am using Essentials which already does kits.
Thanks Assist - no wonder I couldn't find it then!
Or actually, is there an API for dealing with Essentials Kits? I have tried all sorts of searches and just cannot find any details ... all (?!)...
Separate names with a comma.