We can't leave Bukkit die so easily. Bukkit have been a huge part of the Minecraft community and it can't die that easy. We must try to keep it...
I don't want to lag the client spawning 5000 particles. I'll try the underwater trick, that's a good one ;D
I already thought of creating more particles, but that means lag and it's not easy to control :P I am using fire particles, and the effect is...
Hello, I want to know if it's possible to "despawn" a particle sent to the client. I want to do some moving animations with particles and I don't...
No, i want it to be server side, I've no trouble changing the names of the players, if that's possible
Hello, I am doing a custom plugin and i want to see if it's possible to "disguise" the skins of some players so you watch some players with a...
Hello, I recently made a simple plugin that uses a PlayerInteractEvent. In my local server it works fine, but when I test it on another server,...
Is possible to do this with a MinecartRideable??. I've seen that MinecartRideable don't extend EntityInsentient
I'm developing a plugin which needs a falling sand "disguised" as another block. I want that entity to have name, but I think is not possible so I...
Sorry for reviving, but how can I do this with code?
Ok, now this one :p Maybe: List<String> arenas = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("arenas"); Random rand = new Random(); int id =...
Check the value of timer and do something like this if(timer<=10){ p.sendMessage..... }else if(timer==20 || timer==30 || timer==40)...
And how can I do that with NBT?
Separate names with a comma.