20:23:37 [INFO] [ForumAcc] Database connected. Custom Field OK. :D :D :D :D :D - Now to test it in game! EDIT: It's working - But With PHPBB...
Yes, I downloaded the file in the opening posted, Removed all instances of ForumAcc before putting it on. - I can do it again if you want to make...
I'm getting the same errors :( - Thanks for the efforst! 03:28:55 [SEVERE] com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table...
Awesome, Thanks! I'm really eager to get this sorted :D - Kudos to you ^_^
Hello, I'm getting the same problem. The issue isn't within the config. But where-ever you have set the field that it needs to look for. My...
Separate names with a comma.