Any possibility of accepting Bitcoins? It would be easy to integrate with the payment widget from coinbase, allowing for callbacks:...
In the file, just add the extra arguments to extra-runtime-arguments=-Djline.terminal\=jline.UnsupportedTerminal
This post has become obsolete since Minecraft 1.3, where SRV records could be used to assign a subdomain to a port number.
TekkitLite scraps Bukkit support. It's all Forge now.
Tekkit Lite has just been released, dropping Bukkit support und purely using the Forge API instead. With Tekkit "Classic" pretty much dead, many...
Even though mcbans isn't trustworthy, it's still the largest. Applicants are still able to explain their ban in a form field, so that they can...
Looks like a few people are actually going to be using this :) To prepare everyone for what kind of applications they are to expect, here is a...
Thx for the suggestion, but they are actual clickable buttons, bringing up more detailed information.
Hmm, in the newest API version of bukget it now gives the URL of the featured image as well.
The .csv export feature exports the amount of the payment with a USD prefix, which doesn't really help when you're trying to sum them up. What...
I've created an application system for my server with PHP as we get about 100 applications every day and processing these through a forum system...
I could help you host it if you need help :), got about 2TB of spare bandwidth lol.
Very nice, here's what I did with it:
CraftBukkit for 1.3 supposedly comes with performance improvements to the server. Can anyone who is running a 1.3 server perhaps confirm this...
Saw that you guys added the ability to select which server your package applied to. It'd be awesome if you could tick multiple servers. This...
Separate names with a comma.