This should be implemented into Minecraft, TBH.
This plugin... I am in awe of how amazing it is. If I had enough money to my name I would donate to you, just to make sure you continued to...
Despite being a month since Nij made the OP, and almost two weeks since it has been made, this should definitely be shared here:...
Can we all be friends now?
...and what happens if this team happens to also be full of capable developers who make the next best plugin for Bukkit? Nothing needs to exist,...
Dubious, indeed. May fair winds meet your sails, wary traveler.
Might as well just keep going with what you're doing. Some things may be better left dead, but who cares? I may not personally switch to...
Another thread whittled into a fantastic confusion by our own Niji. Good work today, I salute you once again.
So now you're making me pick whether I lose Multiverse 2 or MobDisguise? Cold. Nah, just kidding, enjoy your vacation. I can live without messing...
So, turns out latest dev build of Spout is needed for latest dev build of CraftBukkit, which is needed for MultiVerse 2. So! Any dev builds of...
Still possible, if you create a group and don't give them any permissions EXCEPT for in the world that you want that group to exist in, that will...
Actually, this does have multiworld support, and it is actually MUCH easier to use than Permissions. In the beta, it works perfectly. The lack of...
This plugin is AMAZING. Now I have a world that I can let the griefers play in again! The only thing left is needing to figure out how to...
Rename that to config.yml and move it to /plugins/PermissionsBukkit/
Huh. Works now. I read the commands off of the changelog, so that's probably why I got confused. You may want to change it, as it currently...
Separate names with a comma.