Alright, it is general, i'll take this issue to their forums now. Thanks for the help
Here is the list of .jars in my plugins list: -ChatManager -ColoredSigns -CraftBook -CraftBookCircuits -CraftBookMechanisms -CraftBookVehicles...
Sure here it is: SuperSpawn: Spawn warmup in seconds: 10 No spawn in battle: false Spawn message: spawned. Language(english/german):...
Just checked and general seems to have added it in the latest version, so i think someone can close the thread. Thanks to everyone that replied.
Noone wants something like this? I really need it to make a medicine man class in my pvparena
2011-12-23 23:54:22 [INFO] [33mOnline Players (0):[0m 2011-12-23 23:54:22 [INFO] (no-one)[0m 2011-12-23 23:55:30 [INFO] marco473...
New players don't spawn at the superspawn, but they do spawn at the superspawn when they die or /spawn
I'd love to see a simple plugin, that allows admins to /give potions with the specified effect, just like you can do in SP using toomanyitems....
Please someone make this. I need this for my arena, so i can make a class that starts out with potions.
is it possible to add a "herobrine" mob?
Yea, i did set-up mysql now. I also deleted memtest with it, cause i know i will look every 5 minutes to check if the server isnt running low on...
The thing is, when i first bought it the first thing i did was remove all the files, and clicked start just to see what happens. It still booted....
The VPS that im reting the server from gives me free MySQL with phpmyadmin, just got the account details.
Alright, i will start switching to permissionsex now. I cant set up mysql untill i get the details form my VPS. Will this stop the the RAM issues...
My server seems to have some major memory leaks! Right now there are 3 people online, but the server uses 1.5 out of 2 gb of ram. (Hosted at...
Separate names with a comma.