Lol i completely posted it in wrong topic.
Try something along these lines - UNTESTED event.getPlayer().setVelocity(new Vector(0,0,0)); if (event.getFrom().getBlockX() ==...
Just do that in the same as api does that? Look at their code and reproduce it.
Rsync ?
Because you can do anything with null object? private List<String> spawns =null; change to private List<String> spawns = new ArrayList<>();
Listen to PlayerDeathEvent invoke getDrops().clear(). PlayerDropItemEvent is fired when you drop item from inventory
You must create a custom FallingBlock entity, and in Entity there's a method that is fired when player is in that Entity. Decompile mc server with...
I also want to know that :>
Bump :(
Hi, i realized how to register custom entity to not crash client(override it). I don't know if it's possible to register new one, but for now i'm...
RawCode i was trying to register that Entity but i was getting that ID is already registered and then i changed id and it was still crashing.
You can use Material.valueOf(String name);
And... what's your error?
@EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(final PlayerJoinEvent event) { final CraftWorld world = (CraftWorld)...
Use bukkitScheduler repeating task every 20 ticks, save ticks somewhere and check if enough tick passed.
Separate names with a comma.