I may be wrong, but wouldn't you want to cast p.getHandle() to EntityAnimal instead of p?
chasechocolate You'd want to use a variable for the player's name as well, as it's replaced with the player's display name, which can be (although...
creepers84 That error means nothing without your code. Perhaps attaching some would help out a bit
L33m4n123 I know it's not a bad practice, but consider the scope of this tutorial. Any developer worth his salt would know to GC the list...
Bailey Payne You should certainly mention that storing the Player object is a bad practice, and possibly touch on generics.
As well, don't use .replace to convert & into chat colors - Use ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', stringToTranslate) (or some method...
Not2EXceL Although true, someone who has to look up how to split strings is in no position to learn regex.
I'd suggest returning their uuid with dashes in it, as most plugins require this. As well, for UUID.fromString, the dashes are required.
LCastr0 Something like this should work: String yourJSON = ... IChatBaseComponent comp = ChatSerializer.a(yourJSON); PacketPlayOutChat packet...
I mean to override an egg
I can't seem to find the ID for an egg. Anyone?
RawCode The only thing I could possibly think of is that due to lag the timer could be inaccurate and you'd need accuracy to a point beyond what...
You can use seconds as well in Bukkit, however, if the server lags your timer will also. Not the biggest issue, though, as tbh if a server is...
Although I did read your explanation, I'm just not getting how this is better than the Bukkit system which does the same thing.
Separate names with a comma.