m is null, so m.getType() is the null pointer exception. Change that to m == null.
getArmorContents() should always return an array of size 4, but the items will be null if you are not wearing something. Make sure you check if...
Before that, mysql is null. You need to define your database.
Because your contains variable and if statement are declared inside the for loop, the player must be in every town otherwise they will fail the...
I believe the syntax is now public void onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String cmdLabel, String[] args);
Only thing I would recommend is using a global listener. You register a listener for every Menu which is quite redundant when you can get the Menu...
Change API.readJsonFromUrl("http://api.justin.tv/api/stream/list.json?channel="+channelname); to...
air is not a material, use spaces instead and do not register it. Rocoty is correct here.
Something I learned from my years in Java is that knowing how to use Java in depth will help you code plugins with ease. You will know how to make...
I would check your materials. Material.DOOR may be the in hand item. Test this with other blocks like stone and see if it works in that scenario.
Store their raw xp total. Set their xp level or bar to full. Use a runnable to tick down the timer and shown xp level. Upon completion, restore...
You can probably use the direction and velocity of the arrow to determine who it will hit. It will definitely be tricky though.
gravity can be modified, but the client will make the item jump around a lot. It's a very complicated process that involves either undoing gravity...
First off, your for statement should loop until i < obj.length, <= will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when you hit the end....
If you need to give the offline player an item, just add them to a list and then give them the items they earned when they log in.
Separate names with a comma.