try harming 1 for 1 tick.
new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HARM, 0, 1) Harming 1 potion for 0 ticks.
check this line: if args.length==0
yea it is :(. There is a colon after "command" which causes the error
description: Commmand: Shows website URL. change it to : description: Shows website URL
Jake6177 The "this" keyword cannot be used in a static method.
rob1998@ To make it work cast the int to float when dividing. float...
@blablubbabc This API loads data from a MySQL database when the player joins and saves data then...
You could try [link] this library if you are managing player data with MySQL. It automatically selects MySQL/files for you and simplifies stuff so...
You could start a new thread.
You could use Date for calculating seconds, minutes, hours, days etc...
Did you make the map <Integer, String> ?
Have you declared the variable abMessage?
Separate names with a comma.