Excuse me, Have you got news for ItemCraft :x
Thx you for your works ;p I wait :)
Hi, thx for update but I have a problem :s My config : and, when i type /cg list in minecraft, I have this : [CraftGroup] global-blacklist (1...
Oui oui, le plugin me block bien les blocks que j'ai créé, par contre les items non. tous le monde peut les craft mm si je met leurs id :s
VERY VERY GOOD NEWS, because with itemcraft, none plugin works :'( only for block but not for item :(
It's possible that your plugin is compatible with ItemCraft for lock craft of my new item ? Because, i have bug, all my new item (id : 200, 201,...
PLEASE HELP ME. I would like lock a few craft. I have tested Lockcraft but, only blocks are blocked and not items. Then, I have tested...
:p Tu n'a aucune idée pour les items ?
Why when I type /give <newblock> it's good, but when I type /give <newitem> it's bad, my mc client crashes :s
Ok, now, the global-blacklist is good for only block (itemcraft) but not for item :s An idea ? I really need your help :x EDIT by Moderator:...
I have an error with my mc client
Realy ? Because when I use lockcraft and I type my id : (200, 201, 202, 203..) all my item name itemcraft_item => bug :( Sorry I'm french.. This...
have you got a solution for this problem with itemcraft and craftgroup ? Because I have the same problem with lockcraft. I have one id...
I have little problem :s When I want give an item of my mod, I'm disconnecting to my server. Example : I type /item 202 Crash :'(...
Separate names with a comma.