Is there any way to test this plugin without having to actually make a payment?
If your able to connect to this vanilla server but not craftbukkit then my guess would be that you didn't leave server-ip: blank in the server...
You need worldedit
@DrBoweNur For the command restriction how would I go about restricting a command that would be like /party tp name
@DrBoweNur Thank you very much. I'm downloading it now for my server.
I don't need it for custom commands from other plugins. I just either need it to completely stop teleporting or all commands while a player is...
PVP servers so that players can't warp / tp or use any commands that can give them an unfair advantage during a fight. I have yet to find a plugin...
@captainawesome7 Make a plugin that doesn't allow the usage of any commands if a player is within x amount of blocks of you (Can be configured)...
@Semirotta The plugin is still working fine its just set to Inactive. I just tested it on my server and had no problems with it except for the...
@Codisimus I'm trying to make this for myself and release it if I can manage to make it, but I was also requesting if someone else would want to...
In permissions under your globalGroups or groups file make sure your default group doesn't have build: false
Or just get Zombe mod pack and set allow-flight = true to false in the server properties file. then get NoCheat and just give your group the...
Give them the manpromote not manuadd
I've already watched a lot of his tutorials but I've been looking into getting a book for java as they go more in depth about mostly everything....
Separate names with a comma.