Did you use your method?
Seems you didn't register the command in your main class. And i can't see the plugin.yml so i'm guessing you did or didn't register it in there...
No, Sorry was writing the same code just writing it for him
So is this thread solved?
Do you work with the bukkitAPI? Or are you just a server owner wondering how to do this?
@EventHandler public void on(PlayerDeathEvent e) { if (e.getEntity().getLastDamageCause() instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent) {...
Please post your code and tell us whats wrong with your plugin! So that we can help! :)
Umm. I remember all the codes Chat color wastes space and is just a waste of time when you could just do §9Hello
Why are you using ChatColor? Just do this.. (Example) player.sendMessage("§6Hello!"); Alt-6 is how you get that symbol. And here are colors....
You would do this by, Entity.getLocation();
Separate names with a comma.