@ZNickq It's a client made for hacking purposes @Turbofish23 but the best you can really do against it is make your NoCheat as strict as possible...
@dupsmckracken I believe most people use Permissions Ex now, atleast from the support I've seen, It's fairly similar but obviously updated quite a...
No reason to be rude about it. @chernobyl360 Someone already stated that it's in the wrong section, no need to start the flame.
Not exactly what I meant, Sorry. I was saying that some plugins actually overwrite the consoles commands with their own, and are also required for...
Is this going to be fully customizable including the addition of variables? Considering not all plugins keep to the same format, and some cover...
Why don't you try to add support for multiple Permissions and try to have it configurable on the site or in the config?
If there were any errors, I would have posted them. Just higher CPU usage is what I'm saying. Re-read posts before responding to them please.
Something I noticed since the last update is the client is now using an insane amount of memory unlike before. Any possible fixes/preventions for...
This is pretty cool lol. Definitely going to use this. Highly interesting plugin. Is it possible to have a Currency changer in the actual package...
awesome plugin, Thanks!
Sinple but not bad, fix your title though, should be [INFO] maybe a little more info would be nice as well?
Sweet thanks
My apologies, I forget I'm using the source. Any possibility of an updated source anytime soon?
Separate names with a comma.