3.0 has been released and the plugin is now updated to 1.5.2-R1
I don't quite understand exactly what you're asking, do you want to get a list from that example that would look like [first, first, first]?
We'd need to see your actual code for more info, but from the error I know you have something set to null where it shouldn't be on line 39 in...
You can't have the spacing on line 31 (between your groups). It should look like this: - lwc.protect pro: pro: true etc...
On line 67, you need to run a similar check for which argument you want, like the one on line 66. If you have a look on the bottom of the error,...
It still works perfectly fine...
^permission.node means that you are denying that node/taking that permission away instead of granting it.
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/recommended-build-1-1-r7.63490 If you updated your plugins for R6 and don't have errors, you most likely won't...
To spawn 20 blocks above them, you would do this instead. Location loc = player.getLocation(); player.getWorld().spawnCreature(new...
You can't assume that the command sender is a player, because if the console sent your command, it would get back a nice amount of errors. You...
You'll want a to use a thread, look up more info here: http://wiki.bukkit.org/Scheduler_Programming If the server lags, it shouldn't affect your...
Don't use == when comparing strings. Use username.equalsIgnoreCase("someone's name");
Before you check that args[0] is equal to something, check that the args.length() > 0. If not, then return false or send them the proper use of...
Separate names with a comma.