That bug has been around for a while now.
2011-08-08 21:12:20 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Towny v0.73.2 (Is it up to date?): null java.lang.NullPointerException at...
when I type in "mushroom" it says it doesn't exist! Mushrooms are real you know.
the no-cheat part doesn't work for me ether, just the no flying which wasn't a problem anyways.
Anyway you can support iconomy with this? You don't have too. Just would like to charge people for casting a vote for time or for a tp.
Well, as of right now your test version you gave me works for everyone!
I can use all of the commands fine, but people in the other groups can't. It's not saying they dont have permission to use it, just giving them an...
I think a possibility on what is making the color codes for player names not work is you could have &f after the tag color and it makes the name...
I'm running it with iConomy and I have it set as true. It gives me back that Creating a team costs 50 of item 41. Which I want to just be 50...
check out line 177 in "Clans.class" Tell me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be 'string=plugins/Clans' ?
I went and switched from using permissions to the group manager that comes with essentials. And it seems that my problem is gone. So I guess it...
So, I have run into a weird problem that when I go over 12 jar files in my plugins folder. I can't place any blocks in the world. This is the...
I found out how to fix my problem but it was weird. I couldn't do /port link [nameIgaveit]. but when i made a test one near the other portal, it...
Does this have a limit with how far away ports can be?Because I believe I reached that limit.
Separate names with a comma.