Is there a specific way to port forward for Bukkit? because my vanilla server works perfectly
People used to be able to join my server but can't now. I can though. People say it's something wrong with my configuration. What do?
Okay so I made a new Bukkit folder and started it and it still doesn't show up on my friends server list but it shows up on mine as localhost....
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I know what my ip is, my friends aren't in the same neighborhood they live in different countries. For everyone out there who's posting. It's a...
My friends log in through the whatsmyip ip. I used that ip from whatsmyip for can canyouseeme. My friends can play perfectly on my Vanilla server,...
I'm having the same problem, This may help http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/problem-with-my-server.78302/
I just went to check that only the TCP port is open for 25565. Yes, it's the only 25565 port open. Okay so it says DHCP is enabled in the command...
I know what an internal ip is, and an external ip I use whatsmyip.org for whenever my friend used to ask what my ip is. Back when it was working....
No, it's my IPv4 address.
I do have a static ip address
I re-entered the ports, before you told me this. What should I do involving IPv4?
I did, still no luck
Separate names with a comma.