If you need all these "null" en tries please say so and don't just ignore me. If so: How much do you want? 10? 50? 100? 5000? 100k? 200MB...
I forgot to mention that it also doesn't use the gd_players table properly, all values except id and name are "null". also: No error messages in...
For me it just spams the database with about 10k nonsense entries per second(im serious, there a several pages with logs from one second!) Those...
Is it possible to add a: "Buy a random item out of the chest underneath this sign."-function? That would offer at least to 2 things i need for...
Does this prevent the server from dumping everything into "server.log"? If yes, could you please add MySQL support?
Using Bukkit 1597 Found a Bug: 2012-01-12 03:47:48 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_PLACE to TravelPad java.lang.NullPointerException at...
Nope, look at my edit, reload works fine for me(and always did, maybe im just extremly lucky or the bukkitdevs solved the problems). It was all...
they are, for example: I used reload command and afterwards it told me that i have no permission to do so. This actually happened, so the server...
allowOps: true Does not work, operators still don't have all permissions. And yes, i did reload the server.
Configurable GUI-hotkey would be really nice.
Using a german keyboard and neither ~ or Ö opens the GUI. Nvm, spoutessentials stopped working: 2011-10-16 23:14:14 [SEVERE] Error occurred while...
Yeah, the example is the problem, i tried something but that way it doesn't work. The welcome .ogg works fine. texturepack: default: LOOK AT...
I could realy use an example on how to set up "forced texture packs for spoutcraft clients", and no, this page doesn't help at all. I also think...
Is it possible to decrease the overall block tick rate? (without recompiling craftbukkit of course :p But if there is no was i guess i'll have to...
Separate names with a comma.