You are probably right. You would have to use either a custom world generator or make a custom map yourself. But as for generating chunks on the...
I am looking for plugin that does something similar to this:[ATTACH]
Plugin category: Teleportation Minecraft version: 1.19.x Suggested name: HashWarp, HWarp, or whatever better name you can think of What I want:...
Join-message: " §8%playername% joined. " Leave-message: " §8%playername% left. %dimensionid% %xcoord% %ycoord% %zcoord% " Round coordinates to...
Plugin category: Commands, Admin tools Minecraft version: 1.19.x Suggested name: RandomPerms What I want: Randomized player permissions every...
Yes, oops.
It would remove the need to have /login on servers that need it, and instead the plugin just checks if your login IP matches previous sessions....
Perhaps a question is difficult the more operands and operators are in the question, and an answer's accuracy is measured by how similar the...
Plugin category: Fun Minecraft version: 1.18.x Suggested name: MathTrivia What I want: - Randomly generated math problems within random range...
Separate names with a comma.