Is there any way, to store ConfigurationSerializable into sql? I would like to save an ItemStack with its ItemMeta, which is an instance of...
Found the issue. The key "==" has to be set to the type of the to deserialize Object ("ItemMeta" in this case) Also very nice is to use Yaml....
So, could you please give me an example? Or a link to some source code?
Sorry, had some issues with exporting and testing new code changes, but althougth, following code doesn't work. Caused by:...
Actually I am/was using/testing the mtehod you posted, but that will cause a "java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The type...
Currently, I cannot figure out any working way to deserialize an serialized ItemMeta. For example, I serialize an instance of...
Actually, I am working with the java Serialization, but hoped there is another - better - way. Currently I have the issue, that in the serialized...
Isn't there a way given by bukkit, to store the returned HashMap directly into a file? Or something else to store and load it again?
Do you mean this one? HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) { String value =...
Thanks for you reply! Could you give me a quick code example?
Whats the recommended way to save the metadata of an ItemStack? Currently I am saving the HashMap through serialization (ObjectOutpuStream...)...
// initialize the HashMap HashMap<Integer, Object> map = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();...
Start the server temporary with a new map. We had a bad chunk on our server that caused similar problems.
Separate names with a comma.