Sounds interesting! I would like to be apart of this if possible, also if everyone's IDEA is eclipse you can also use saros (i know some people...
@bwfcwalshy I'm not trying to get the list, I'm trying to get the "kitname" sections
@I Al Istannen Okay I see but now how would i get the "kitname1" now?
@Lordloss The whole config class? and it prints the list
@Lordloss it checks if they have a config (using individual player yml files) if they have a config and if they dont it sets their data to that...
@Lordloss kits: kitone: &id001 - KIT_ONE - KIT_TWO - KIT_THREE kittwo: *id001 kitthree: *id001 List<String> pTemp =...
@bwfcwalshy I tried but then some kitnames might have the same lists, and then if they do they dont print out. Like this kits: kitname1:...
What I'm trying to do is have a list then under that list, a sub-list which I know isn't possible. What would be an alternate to this? My config...
i thought there was something in the spigot yml to allow or disable that but idk Edit: sorry I found it in the paper.yml that is if you use...
@ipodtouch0218 Didn't notice that, I fixed that but it still doesn't work and I dont know why, I tried the same code, but instead of adding all...
Hello I'm not sure why, but when I try to open this inventory it decides not to work ): Inventory getKitsInventory(Player player){...
@Sethburster Sorry there was a typo I edited the main thread
ABILITY_ONE is in a list with other abilities
Basically in a config I have a string named lets say ABILITY_ONE. I want to be able to call that, but instead of returning a string it'd return a...
@EventHandler public void interactTEST(PlayerInteractEvent e) { Block b = e.getClickedBlock();...
Separate names with a comma.