Come at me bro! ;) This the most awesome plgin I've ever seen!!! Stupid No_Grief with it's only op permission.. :D Thanks a lot!
Thanks god!
Will plugis break with new CB? I hope no. :/
Ok. Thats great. People used to warp each others..
Nice! But one question: I am not sure if I understand it well. In Op-only set/remove version players can't warp other players?
What? I have installed v0.4 but when i reload server it tells me I have 0.3.. weird..
Yep, you're right. I will. I just hoped somebody tell me.. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Thx. If u fix it, the plugin will be awesome! I really like the /ipban command..
And what about plugins, which are compatible with my #2034?
When somebody logs on the server, I get this error in IPLogger:
Also works with my R5 bukkit. Great job by the way ;) It works with R5 bro' EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead...
Oh thank you so much!!! I actually love u! thx
Can I set that ops are not able to use those commands?
Extraordinary-ordinar-super-awesome-ridiculous plugin!!! I actually love u! thank u so much!! Great plugin!
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