Hello, I'm trying to make it so when a player joins the server fireworks shoot up and do whatever. Something like? @EventHandler public...
Do you know how to link classes to classes I need to know how ASAP
I fixed the issue but I get this werid little error/glitch. If I have access to a kit it tells me You've switch to (Class) and then tells me...
Alright how code I fix this and get this to work?
chasechocolate I'm not trying to I'm trying to get the killer and give them exp levels. and then for the bottom one I'm not sure how to code it...
Hello, Basiclly this code is trying to getPlayer().getKiller().giveExpLevels(1); and then checking if the player has like 200 exp level and gets...
Hello, I'm trying to make it so if I type [BCKits] Regular Its gives preforms the command. package me.anonymous350.Signs; import...
Can you give me link or something on how to link different classes?
I seem to get an error with .addItem
Tirelessly, I'm sorry when I tried to link them It didn't work. You don't have to be like that. @ Lonesface I believe this should work?...
Lonesface Also Instead of making a new JavaPlugin can I just make a new class add that? Link it with the main class?
Lonesface Works but "When I right click with the soup I get 3 hearts but the soup doesn't dispear as in to a bowl."
Lonesface package me.anonymous350.AutoSoup; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player;...
@EventHandler public void onPlayerHand(PlayerHandEvent event){ Player player = event.getPlayer() event.getPlayer().getInventory().getInHand();...
Hello, I'm making a Kit-Pvp plugin and I was wondering how would I make a instant-soup that gives 3 hearts. - I DO NOT WANT TO GET A...
Separate names with a comma.