That's a great idea. That would ensure that they've logged in within the past x number of days. I'd love it if an admin/mod could override the...
On Windows it goes in the root of the server in a lib folder - I'd assume it is the same on Mac. So instead of putting the lib folder in the...
I haven't gotten through all 8 pages either, but I know I saw something about that (I was thinking the same thing actually - finding space in...
That's from the OP. I think that's what you were looking for, correct? Download the latest version and you should be good to go.
Amazing mod - Definitely looking out for further releases. I've already began setting up my new test (soon to go live) server for this mod with...
Amazing plugin. I've been watching this for a few days now and I'm definitely impressed by the progress you've made in such a short time. I am...
I had the same issue after downloading the new for everything version - but then I realized that was version 0.72 so I downloaded the standalone...
Hmm, Okay - So I installed this on my server to try it out because it looks amazing and is exactly what I've been looking for, but I'm having an...
It's hard to say if there would be a practical way to implement a physical currency system. I actually rather like the idea of a physical system...
I haven't done any modding myself so I don't know what hooks are out there, or even available, so I'm not sure if it's possible, but Beta also...
Separate names with a comma.