I have noticed that when I edit the Config file, the jar file will not load... Do you know the reason for this? I will post the error if you don't...
I have already tried to do it myself, but I am watching that video now. And I want to use permissions, as it is the most supported groups plugin.
Hello All, I run a small server for a few friends of mine, and I would like to open it to the public, but I just can't seem to get...
Thanks for the recent update! It works great! Check it out, mc.jakegirard.com
So, do you know anything about my "End of Stream" error? I would love help, as the people on my server are not very patient for the new update...
No DylanFTL, I mean a reccomended build, so I can have all of my plugins working. Without my fire protction plugins, oh boy, i don't even want to...
Ughhh... I can't wait till' this update is released... none of my friends on the server understand that it isnt updated immediatly... Please work...
It isnt working for me. When I try to connect to my server's IP, I smply get an "End of Stream" Message... I have the program in its own folder...
Thanks Andre! I had changed the spawn to near the building area and never lowered the spawn protection... that worked like a charm!
Ok, I really need help with this. PLEASE HELP!
Ok... so after testing that without any plugins it is still jumpy and some blocks do not break. Kerpawr, I have 1 gig of RAM allocated to the...
I will try that and let you know how it goes...
Please Help Me! I love my Bukkit server but as we grow into a larger community of server-goers (6 people), some people are noticing...
Separate names with a comma.