You might have missed the option to tell BuildTools to actually build CraftBukkit.
Rule #3 here implies they can bump every 24 hours.
The error tells you exactly where the tab is in your plugin.yml. As for always using 2 spaces, some editors will automatically replace spaces...
ctrl-f then type "permission". They are right on the page with the commands. third sticky from the top.
@FrostDevStudios It is just a suggested format to follow not a requirement.
@Zombie_Striker aren't you worried that someone might purchase at some point and own all of your code?
Remove the 1 extra space in front of Prefix: on line 65.
The 1.6.0_65 says that you are still running Java version 6.0 update 65. You may be updated to the latest Java but you aren't running your server...
@SirGregg It is strange that they go to such great lengths to hide where their servers are though don't you think?
@I Al Istannen Rule number 4 covers private messages for plugin requests -
That would just prevent the plugin from being approved on BukkitDev. But I think they would catch the permissions bypass for a single player...
The tabs were old errors from 2015. Your new error is: Caused by: while parsing a block mapping in 'reader', line 318, column 7:...
Separate names with a comma.