Hi, i am trying to make it so nobody can build in wilds(unclaimed plots) and that is how it is set right now, but there is the ingore_ids in the...
love the plugin, but got a question... i dont want player to be able to go mining and just buy all the iron pickaxes and wood WHILE mining, i...
Yes, using the newest version and whenever i reload the server with the /reload command which i use ALOT, the config resets :/
Please fix fast, whenever i reload the server the config is restarted ! I love the plugin but sadly i'm going to have to shut it off until this...
How do i shut it off ??? beacuse im NOT going to live with this !!!
Okay so this is CRAZY!!! I made a portal and i walk through it, it says "Generating a exit portal" and makes a random portal somewhere in the map...
I can't get people in my towns and I'm the mayor, I used the command /town add [name] and I tried /town add+ [name] and it says none of the names...
Please tell me why I am getting this error 2011-07-27 18:57:39 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Towny v0.73.2 (Is it up to date?): null...
Im getting this error 2011-07-27 18:57:39 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Towny v0.73.1 (Is it up to date?): null...
Getting error saying towny is outa date and it won't start up...
Wants levels and upkeep multipliers to go by plots and not residents so I can have one rich person run a town him self.
You have the town levels go by amount of residents. I want levels to go by amount of plots and make it so the upkeep = NumOfPlots * NormalUpkeep...
I want towns to have to pay more the bigger they are each day. So I want town to pay 100x(plot)xDay
I tried /town set plottax But it didn't do anything.... Town still pays 250 for each day, and players don't even pay the plottax either !...
Sounds about it.... How do I do it ???????
Separate names with a comma.