metalhedd Do you know where the line of code is that says "if the mob is mounted then cancel" when trying to execute navigation? If we can find...
Puharesource As of right now I don't know if you can use the built in pathfinder for mobs with passengers (like pigs or horses). If you have found...
MCCoding Have you ever tried to do this for a mounted mob? It seems it works for horses, but it only works for horses when there is no passenger
I will try and look into it and see what I can do. If anybody figures it out and confirms it, post the solution here
metalhedd RawCode Would it work if instead I tried using the navigation of the passenger of the Horse? The problem is the passenger is a player,...
fokolo MCCoding Garris0n Does navigation work on 1.7? I cant get navigation (any navigation method) to work on Horses in 1.7
Scizzr Could I see your code on how you moved an EntityHorse? I am trying to have a Horse walk to a specific location by...
metalhedd Did you ever solve this?
Ivan I have added the pathfinder and everything, have cleared all other goals, and added logging statements to my pathfinder goal. I add the...
EcMiner TeeePeee Thank you so much!! I have been stuck on this for multiple days and I finally figured out, thanks to your help, what I was doing...
EcMiner But what if I don't want to change ALL entities to my special subclass, but I just want to create some special entities. If I use the...
I have the same problem. Have you figured out a solution yet? When I try to register it as a different String ID or int ID the client crashes.
You can download the source code from (that will only work for 1.5.1-R0.1)
The_Coder There is a method in the NPCManager class called spawnHumanNPC. You must give it the NPC's name and the location to spawn the NPC at....
caliog yep I just got those two. Thanks! The_Coder You need to take the source code and add it to your src folder/build path. I use the Eclipse...
Separate names with a comma.